Tuesday, 14 December 2010

9 Go mad in Lanzarote!

On 19th November nine of us set out to Lanzarote to enjoy some winter sun and as much diving as possible! We arrived at Arrecife airport where the temperature was a lovely 28 degrees and the sun was shining, making a change from gloomy blighty.
Once we got our rooms sorted we headed out for some food, a couple of light ales and to meet up with Steve and Wendy from Safari Diving. I would like to add at this point that Duncan found the joys of caramel vodka and boy did he regret it in the morning along with his room mates Dan and Mac!
For the first dive we went out with Yokin just to check out the locals including a Grouper and an Angel Shark.
After that we decided to venture out on our own, so with cameras at the ready we went for a bimble following Duncan who became our underwater Tom Tom due to his uncanny knack of taking us exactly where we wanted to go and bring us back.
Over the course of the week we enjoyed some awesome diving and in between Louise completed her Advanced Open Water course and her Digital Photography Speciality, Dan, Duncan and George completed their Deep Speciality, Clive completed his Digital Photography, Night and Deep Speciality and Valerie completed her Advanced Open Water course! Huge Well done to those chaps!

We also enjoyed some great nights out with some really bad singing and dancing, darts matches, Everton trying to play football and lots of food.

I had an awesome time with some great people and a big thank you to Safari Diving for making us feel so welcome and helping us to do some great diving.

We shall return next year if you want to join us!

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